The Dilemma Doctors
Anglo-Dutch gurus Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner have become the go-to guys on multinational mergers. Their recipe: making opposites attract.
Read moreRepaying the stakeholder, not the shareholder
Hampden-Turner, C.
2019, BearingPoint
Can innovation be captured, bottled and measured?
Hampden-Turner, C.
2019, BearingPoint
Growth through digital change
Trompenaars, F.
2019, Peoplematters
Revamping values for the next transformation
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
From Return on Investment to Return on Reconciliation – The integrated organization
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
Artificial Intelligence: Control it or Go with the flow
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
A proposed new logic for employee engagement
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
A new paradigm for HR: HR approaches from balanced to integrated scorecards
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
Future focus of HR
Trompenaars, F.
2017, Peoplematters
Going digital globally
Trompenaars, F.
2017, Peoplematters
Culture AT WORK: The value of intercultural skills in the workplace
Booz, Allen, Hamilton
2013, The British Council
Cultures’ role in enabling organizational change – Survey ties transformation success to deft handling of cultural issues
DeAnne Aguirre, Rutger von Post, Micah Alpern
2013, Strategy & Pwc
Cultural Change That Sticks
Jon R. Katzenbach, Ilona Steffen, and Caroline Kronley
2012, Harvard Business Review
Minding your digital business
Global Survey
2012, Mc Kinsey
Is there a payoff from top-team diversity?
Thomas Barta, Markus Kleiner, and Tilo Neumann
2012, Mc Kinsey
Dilemmas of Multi-Cultural Leaders: A New Unified Model of Trans-Cultural Competence
With the internationalization of organizations, we find that leaders have to face multi-cultural teams. What style of leadership is effective in those diverse circumstances?
Trompenaars, F., & Woolliams, P.
2011, Trompenaars Hampden Turner, 2011