Professional+ | Dilemma Reconciliation

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Dilemma Reconciliation

Culture is the dynamic process of solving human challenges/dilemmas. All cultures are similar in the dilemmas they confront, yet different in the solutions they find. These are equally valid – there is no one best way.

A dilemma can be defined as two propositions that are in apparent tension – a situation with two equally desirable options. We focus both on the fact that all cultures experience the same tension and that their solution differs. In doing so, we enable participants to broaden their own views on how to respond and show them how they can reconcile the dilemma to achieve a solution that goes beyond the single approach of any given culture.

In order to sustainably embed culture awareness for the long-term, leaders/organizations face the difficult task of reconciling some tough dilemmas. The key challenge is to identify the dilemmas that impact different stakeholder groups to develop a model that enables optimal outcomes to be achieved for customers and clients, staff, shareholders, regulators and society overall.

Our Dilemma Reconciliation Methodology provides a grounded understanding of the relationship between culture and the workplace underpinned by Trompenaars Hampden-Turner’s last two Rs of Reconciliation and Realisation in our 4Rs approach.


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